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If you are drawn to it in the first place, chances are it is at least a good place to start.
Anything you do will build on your skills, experience and contacts in some way.
Many career fields have a huge range of sub-speciality areas and even more potential areas which could be developed. So if you find your dream job in the field doesn’t exist, just maybe, you could create it…
“Not knowing” what you want can open you up to amazing possibilities which you might not have seen if you were laser-focused on exactly where you were going
More and more people are having multiple jobs in their lifetimes or even simultaneously, because that’s what suits them. Author Emilie Wapnick calls these people Multipotentialites (you can find out more about multipotentialites on her website Puttylike, her book “How to be Everything” and her TED talk.
Ever had one of those days where everything seems to go wrong and world seems to be against you?! And the more irritated that you get, the worse it gets? One morning this week, I was feeling under the weather and everything I did seemed to take more time and effort than usual. So I […]
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