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Your start to 2018: Try this 1-question-quiz

As we launch into February,

answer this One-question quiz and then check out the corresponding reflection questions to gear up to an even better February!
Quiz: Which of the following best describes how was January 2018 for you?
A: Amazing!  I have been inspired, incredibly productive and loving life
B: Quite productive.  I got a lot done, mainly things that have to be done.
C: Quiet.  Not overly productive but, I’m totally fine with that –I have been regrouping, reflecting and re-energising so that I can hit my stride in the next few months
D: Uphill progress.  I have been feeling tired and uninspired, but manage to push myself to keep move forward anyway
E: Frantic.  I seem to be constantly busy but not getting much done.
F:  Mundane.  I feel bored with my routine
□G: Sluggish: I am struggling to find motivation, inspiration or direction
□H: Other: (fill in the blank)________________________
Reflective questions to ponder or journal about if you answered: 
A: Amazing:
1. What made this month so great?
2. How can I bring these elements into next month and beyond?
3. What successes can I celebrate and how?
4. What restorative activities can I incorporate to maintain this energy and refresh myself before I get too tired?
B: Quite productive:
1. What made this month great and how can I bring these elements into next month?
2. What would make next month even better?  How could I do that?
3. What successes can I celebrate and how?
4. What restorative activities can I incorporate to maintain this energy and refresh myself before I get too tired?
C: Quiet
1.       What or whom an I thankful for (list 3)
2.       What insights did I come up with over this quiet time? (Dig deep and come up with something, however small it may seem)
3.       Am I feeling refreshed and if not what else can I do to re-energise?
4.       What can I feel inspired about and look forward to moving forward with in February?
D: Uphill progress
1.       What successes can I feel proud of and celebrate this month and how will I celebrate them?
2.       What can I do to feel more inspired?
3.       Do I need to reassess why I am doing something?  If everything I am doing is truly a high priority for me, how can I re-focus on my goals and get excited about them?
4.       Can I commit to documenting my successes on a weekly basis so that I can see my progress and how will I celebrate them?
E:  Frantic
1.       Am I trying to do multiple tasks at once?  Do I often get interrupted or distracted?
2.       What can I delegate or schedule for later so I can focus on fewer tasks right now?
3.       What or whom do I have that I am thankful for right now (3 things) and what successes can I celebrate this month?
4.       What restorative activities can I incorporate to re-energise and thus improve my efficiency?
F: Mundane
1.       What forward progress/successes can I celebrate this month? (write down at least 3 things)
2.       If I could do anything at all and it would be a guaranteed success, what would I do?
3.       What do I love doing and how can I incorporate more of this into my life?
4.       In what ways, big and/or small, can I shake up my routine and add spontaneity?
G: Sluggish
1.       Why am I lacking in motivation or inspiration?  What can I do about this?
2.       Has what I am doing have been externally forced on me? Do I need to reassess any goals ?
3.       When in my life did I feel inspired and passionate (write down 3 memories)?  What element is common to those memories and how can I incorporate more of this element into my life?
4.       In what ways, big or small, can I shake up my routine, add spontaneity and stimulate my mind?
H:  Other
1.       What was good about this month?  How can I bring these elements into next month?
2.       What was difficult and what are my thoughts and insights on this?
3.       What can I feel inspired about and look forward to moving forward with in February?
4.       What restorative activities can I incorporate to maintain my energy and refresh myself before I get overly tired?
I hope you don’t feel too cheated that the answers to the one-question quiz were another 4 questions!  The irony…
As for me, one of the projects I was working on this January is  brand new website for you to explore:
Announcing the official re-launch of the Chic Balance website!
There are blog posts, video resources and brand new coaching programs for you to explore!  I hope this will grow into an interactive community so I would love for you to check it out and you are welcome to comment and start discussions in the Chic Balance Facebook Group!
Have   great week,

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