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Dr sasha nair

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How to bounce back after failure and disappointment: New Year Momentum Challenge Day 6

If you’ve completed all the tasks in the challenge so far and are gaining momentum towards your goals, fantastic work!  Now let’s do a bit of preparation for maintaining momentum even when things get tough. Set-backs, obstacles and failure are a normal and expected part of the journey whenever we are pursuing a major goal.  But it is difficult and disappointing and we are totally absolutely entitled to feel upset for awhile.  The trick to maintaining momentum though is to bounce back quickly and tweak your approach to try again from a slightly different angle.


3 Tips to bounce back from failure quickly

1.Embrace obstacles as a normal part of the journey and don’t take failure too personally because we all go through it!

2.Allow yourself space to recover for awhile and then move forward

3.Consider what could be done better and what you could tweak and adjust your method to approach the obstacle from a slightly different angle

Use these journaling questions to check your mindset towards obstacles and set-backs and prepare to bounce back more quickly

  • 1. How do you feel about failing?
  • a) It’s temporary because I will learn from it and quickly move forward again
  • b) I don’t like it but I’ll usually have another go
  • c) It’s an absolute disaster to be avoided at all costs
  • 2. Is your current perspective of failure serving you?
  • 3.How much more effective could you be if you could bounce back from failure more quickly to reassess the situation and move forward again?
  • 4. What would happen if you embraced failure/set-backs/obstacles as a normal part of the journey and an opportunity to challenge yourself, learn and gro?


See you here tomorrow for day 7 of our 7-day challenge!

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