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Having big picture dreams, short-term to do lists and medium-term milestones in between are all equally important for optimising momentum towards your goals. The big dreams are for inspiration, motivation and joy! Many of us also find that day-to-day to do lists and schedules are helpful in helping us feel organised and to keep moving […]
Becoming a new parent at a time when a lot of other things were in flux in my life, I found myself starting day after day determined to make good progress on a projects only to get around to none of them after having a busy day filled with miscellaneous tasks and housework and feeling […]
Day 2: Energise The theme for day 2 of the New Year Momentum Challenge is re-energising; optimising your energy levels for all the things you want to do. I’m not just talking about getting quality sleep, regular exercise and a nourishing diet. Those basics are of course vital not only for long term health but […]
This is the first of a 7 day New Year challenge to get 2019 off to a powerful start. You can do this challenge whether or not you have already made your New Years resolutions. Each day there will be a something different to reflect on and take action on to set yourself up to […]
Happy holidays! I hope the last year brought you joy, growth and rich experiences. 2018 was certainly eventful for me and my family with a move back to New Zealand from London after a wonderful career experience. Also, new jobs in the public and private system, and moving into a new home. I got to […]